Thursday, October 8

Demon's Assholes.

Yup, so pretty much as expected Demon's Souls is a completely punishing and utterly unforgiving bastard of a game. But the crazy part? I keep coming for more. That's right, despite having died like 20 times in 2 hours I still continue to take the punishment and press on. This is due to the simple fact that this game managed to achieve what so many other games attempt to do, yet fail at. This game is very hard, because it's just hard. Not yet have I experienced a cheap death out of the innumerable amount of times that I've died. All deaths were due to my erroneous behavior and I have no one to blame but myself. It's all about learning the layout of the levels and making sure you don't make the same dumb mistakes.

I kind of like the whole online interaction thing where you get to leave messages for other players and leave hints and other various tips. Some of those tips have actually saved my hide. So um, to the guy that left that hint in the first stage to attack the box containing the iron balls that roll down the hill and pretty much eliminate 15 possible enemies at once, um, here's my shout out to you. Thanks! Whoever you are.

I'm off to go let Demon's Souls make a bitch out of me some more.

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