Tuesday, September 22


I just picked up my copy of Persona 1 at Gamestop today, it was there as "Ashley" promised and of course I'm the only one that pre-ordered it. How ner.....awesome am I? They were nice enough to even package the original soundtrack in with the game. Great! Unless you're one of those whiners complaining about how "THEY RUINED TEH MUSIC IT WAS SO MUCH BETER IN THE ORIGINL TEH JPOP SUXORS". You're just shit out of luck I guess. Anyway. Hopefully this game does well particularly as DLC on the PSN when it releases on 10/1. Why? Because as I've stated a long time ago, I think Atlus will look at the sales for this game for any possible re-releases of Persona 2, which is an even better game than this one. Seriously, even if you didn't pre-order, pick it up off of the PSN and at least give it a shot. You might be surprised. It's aged surprisingly well since 96. Good sales will hopefully finally = Persona 2 Innocent Sin FINALLY getting a translation and perhaps a remake of Eternal Punishment. At the very least the original Eternal Punishment will be available as DLC.


  1. The automated voice of the girl who calls you when you pre-order a game name is apparently "Ashley". She always says in this creepy overly happy voice saying "HI! This is Ashley from GAMESTOP! We're calling to remind you that _________ has just arrived!" It's pretty annoying.
