Wednesday, January 20

A Videogame Movie?Run Awayyyyyy!!!

So I managed to catch Gamer. And yes, it sucked. I guess I could end the synopsis right here but I'll elaborate some more since I know everyone out there in internet land is only dying for my opinion. Actually....believe it or not...the movie isn't as horribly bad as I expected. But then again that's faint praise as I merely got a train wreck instead of a nuclear holocaust. The idea actually had some potential; a reality game that uses real life people as avatars that are controlled by other people themselves forced to play a multiplayer deathmatch. What could have been a decent, if not overly stylish commentary on human will and the dark ugly truth about our own species resembling the snake eating its tail instead descended into mindless nonsense designed to shock and oddly revel in the violence it intended to make a commentary on. It went from making fun of a Uwe Boll movie almost to....well, becoming a Uwe Boll movie. Oh well.


  1. Did you read what you wrote?

    "The idea actually had some potential; a reality game that uses real life pople as avatars that are controlled by other people themselves forced to play a multiplayer deathmatch."

    Pretty convoluted, don't you think? Sounds like a lame movie from the start - regarless of it's originality. Either way, the movie totally sucked.


  2. Well thats my point, I didn't think it would be a spectacular film by any stretch of the imagination I'm just saying that had they just stuck with a simple story about the guy playing the game for the whole plot it would have been a little less lame. Instead the plot amazingly got even MORE convoluted with a silly backstory about secret government experiments and the guys family etc.
