Well, about a week away from Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker and I flat out cannot wait. I’ve played through the demo over quite a few times and from what I can tell the game looks uh, solid, no pun intended. But what really has me intrigued is the fact that apparently Famitsu thought well enough of the game to grant it a perfect 40/40 score. That makes Peace Walker only the 14th game and only the 3rd handheld title to garner such an accolade in the magazine’s 20+ year history. That would seem like a remarkable feat, however, a total of eight of those scores came within the past 2 years or so. My question then is, has Famitsu just flat lowered it’s standards or are these games just that good? My personal perspective rests far more closely with the former than the latter. It really started with Nintendogs in 2005. Really Famitsu? A perfect score? So you mean to tell me that its better than classics like Super Mario 64, Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past and Metal Gear Solid 3? Really Famitsu? Let’s take a look at these eight “classics” Famitsu claims to purport are classics since 2008.
1. Super Smash Brothers Brawl: Are you kidding me? This was fun but please. This game was nothing more than fan service masquerading as a fighting game. Calling this a perfect game does a disservice to other fighting games and just flat slaps them in their collective faces.
2. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots: Okay, this one I can’t really argue with too much.
3. 428: Never played it so I can’t comment.
4. Dragon Quest IX: Again, have yet to play it but if Dragon Quest VIII couldn’t make the cut I can only imagine what this game did that was so different.
5. Monster Hunter Tri: Monster Hunter is fun but is it perfect? Hardly.
6. Bayonetta: Again, good game but the plot left a little to be desired to say the least.
7. New Super Mario Bros. Wii: What? But no Super Mario 64? It only revolutionized 3D gaming as we know it today, but who’s counting right?
And finally here we are at Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker. And I would love to believe that the game earned that perfect 40/40 that has eluded many a fantastic game over the years but given the apparent bar being lowered from one of the most respected magazines in Japan over the past few years, it feels so much like a tainted victory to me.
But one thing is for sure, it will be awesome and I can’t wait for June 8th.
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