Not that this is new news or anything but IGN's review of White Knight Chronicles is less than stellar for sure.
Now normally I don't contest many others opinions on reviews but a major flaw in this review is that the main selling point of the game, the online component isn't even discussed. Not that this game still should have recieved such a poor score even if you don't factor the online component. I admit I've only played about 10 hrs so far so I really can't offer a complete criticism but already I can tell that its not even close to that bad. Could it have been better? Yes, but there isn't anything that seriously hampers the gameplay experience. He mentions the graphics aren't spectacular or anything, which is true, but this game has also been aged a bit since it should have released a very long time ago.
But really the death knell to this review is when he begins discussing the "flawed gameplay". He describes it like it's a complete mess. It's a little rough around the edges to be sure, but its described as something that completely breaks the game. He mentions nonsense like enemy draw distance and the fact that enemies respawn in areas where you've already killed them as though this is something new to MMORPGs or something. No mention of the Georama system, Geonet, how characters develop and learn skills, how battle commands are assigned or anything. Instead he wastes an entire paragraph on how fake birds that can telepathically communicate as justification that the story is weak and poorly told. Just a bad review all around in my personal opinion.
IGN gave Final Fantasy XII (which is pretty much what this game is) a 9.5, so why in the world does this get less than half of the score that game got when it has pretty much the same battle system and similar storyline structure?
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