So I managed to listen to the entire soundtrack for Persona on PSP and I have to say I rather enjoyed it. It's easily one of Shoji Meguro's best work to date. However, I seem share somewhat of a minority opinion regarding the soundtrack as most people actually seem to hate it. I'm not entirely sure what the reason for that is, but it seems to have to do with the fact that its representative of the fact that this series has taken a recent turn for the lighthearted and isn't all dark and moody anymore. Well, actually, I find this to be a good thing as I think the new lighthearted tone that this series has taken has made it more refreshing and sets it apart from the other games in the Megaten franchise. You want dark and moody? Go play DDS. (Don't get me wrong I love DDS, but its nice for a franchise of games to be diverse.) And honestly, the original Persona wasn't all that dark, at least in comparison to the regular Megami Tensei games that came before it. Come on guys, change is good sometimes. Embrace it. Besides, at least now we get a proper translation instead of a bastardized Americanization, so chin up okay? Everything will be alright.
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