Man, some companies can just get too arrogant for their own good sometimes. What Microsoft rep. paid him off to say that shit? I honestly can't imagine Activision actually making good on a threat that stupid but you never know. What, you mean I won't be able to play Tony Hawk 285? I can't play another stupid WWII rehash? What's that you say, I won't be able to play Guitar Hero Ver. 129? Oh no, does this mean no more crappy superhero movie tie in games?
Oh my God, please Mr. Kotick, please don't do this. Reconsider!
Considering that sales figures of the PS3 only continue to rise, to make a decision like that now would only be foolish. I'm positive Activision would lose more in the end than Sony. I mean, its not like there aren't other games just like the ones Activision makes. I'm not trying to come across as some Sony fanboy or anything but I just can't stand it when a game company grows too damned arrogant and almost makes threats to others in the industry if they don't do what they say. If things were up to them they would be the only game developers on the planet and would only release the same three game franchises every year with a minor graphical update and some minimal gameplay tweaks until the end of time. Now I'm not naive enough to not think that every game company wouldn't do the same thing if they could get away with it, but Activision is one company in particular that makes it so glaringly obvious to the point that it becomes irritating. (also see: Electronic Arts)
Heed my words, companies like this are going to be the death knell for the industry. Don't listen to 'em.
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