Unlike all of the thoughtful, poignant stuff I usually have been writing about....or
trying to write about at least, this time I'm just gonna complain. Yup, its just time for me to gripe. And the direction from which I spew forth my venomous rage comes straight towards Sony. That's right, you guys and your utterly sorry collection of crap games for download off of the Playstation Network. Thank God Virtual Console isn't the embarrassing joke PS One Classics are. But you know, the Japanese PSN store has a bigger selection and much better games. Here's a few of the highlights we have yet to receive...
Ape Escape
Arc the Lad
Bomberman Land
Brave Fencer Musashi
Bushido Blade 1 and 2
Dead or Alive
Final Fantasy Origins
Front Mission 3
Guilty Gear
Intelligent Qube
Jade Cocoon
King of Fighters
Last Blade
Metal Slug X
Real Bout Fatal Fury
Samurai Showdown
Threads of Fate
Vagrant Story
You have no excuse Sony. They have a grudge and a bone to pick with the rest of the world, and it is clear. If the masters at Sony DO happen to toss a scrap or two to us dogs it'll be in some cases two whole years after the Japanese already got it. Like with the Wild Arms games and I think there's a rumor going around that they're going to release Xenogears in America....maybe.
I only listed games that were already released in English, much less the awesome games Japan has on their store that sadly never came to our shores because of Sony's idiotic policy regarding 2D games years ago. But come on guys, these were already in English! Someone really hates us. What’s worse is that when we do get something, for example, Grandia, like I said it literally takes years for it to reach us than it does Japan. If Japan gets something we get first, it most likely takes barely a month. One of the most ridiculous examples of this is how it took the original Metal Gear Solid over a year to reach our shores when Metal Gear is more popular in US than in Japan. This is very frustrating stuff. Now an important thing to bear in mind is to remember is that I only listed games that were Japanese exclusives which also got initial US releases. I have not included all of the Japanese games that never made it to our shores, which I don’t fault Sony for, but in terms of volume and quality they have us beat hands down. Most of the few “exclusives” we get in America was shovelware crap that wasn’t very good even when it first released much less now. In any case, there are still tons of great games that haven’t gotten releases at all, from either side of the Pacific. This then is my call to Sony to get these games on PSN now! This is my top 5 games that aren’t on PSN but should be.

5. Tomba: One of the best and most inventive 2D platformers like, ever. Definitely a rare gem that didn’t get the respect it deserved and a game I would love to play on the go.

4. Chrono Cross: The fantastic sequel to Chrono Trigger with an incredibly unique battle system and one of the best musical scores of all time. Yeah, the ending sucked but the rest of the game was gold.

3. Klonoa: See Tomba.

2. Persona 2: Okay, this is one of the greatest RPGs of its era. Now that the Shin Megami Tensei games have gained a bit of a following it’s time to at least give this a PSN rerelease. Unlike P1, this game actually has aged very well and displays many of the concepts that carried over to other great RPGs like P3 and P4.
And my number one game that isn’t on PSN but should be is….

Suikoden II: Seriously, guys. People are waiting. If you ask people what the greatest Playstation game of all time is, this game almost always shows up somewhere high on that list and for good reason. Sadly, not many gamers know about it as it got a very, very limited release and goes for upwards of 200 dollars on Ebay. So do the gaming world a favor and put this on PSN already! Many gamers got the chance to experience the first Suikoden for the first time now let them carry over their data into the vastly superior sequel. Suikoden II isn’t just one of the greatest PSX RPGs of all time it’s one of the greatest RPGs of all time, period.
You now have work to do Sony. Get busy.